Thursday, March 7, 2013

Building SharePoint 2013 Development Environment (2/4)

Refer to the previous post Building SharePoint 2013 Development Environment (1/4). I've described the steps to build a SharePoint 2013 development environment. Let's continue on the SQL Server installation.

Before starting install SQL Server 2012. You should install .Net 3.5 framework. If not you will get this error message and SQL management studio and database engine will not be installed.

Unfortunately, Windows server 2012 doesn't install .Net 3.5 framework automatically. 
To install .Net 3.5 framework I follow this blog How to install .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows Server 2012

The step to install are mount Windows Server iso file to your VM then run this command

dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /all /Source:d:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess

where your windows server installation iso are mounted on d:\ drive
After run the above command you will see the .Net 3.5 was installed then you can continue on the SQL installation process.

I've upload the scree shot of SQL Server 2012 installation step with this link

I use only 1 service account name sp\sqlservice to run all SQL service.

Let's continue on SharePoint Server 2013 on the next post.

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