Friday, February 15, 2013

Access Denied When Trying to Create a New Page on a Publishing Site

According to my project. user have to created a new page on SharePoint 2010 publishing page them-self.
But when it the test stage. I got this problem when i log into SharePoint publishing site with contribution privileged.

The account can't create a new page and got the access deny pop up page.
I've found the solution refer to the following blog related with MOSS 2007 but it still works on SharePoint 2010 as well.

The solution is just to check the permission on the master page and page layouts document library that allow your user to access them.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Got 10% most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012 in Thailand

I just got an email from LinkedIn said that my account on the LinkIn is in the top 10% most viewed in Thailand.

According to the number of user account in Thailand ranked no.39. ~500k users with only 0.76% penetration this number is not much compare to our neighbour country in ASEAN like Philippines(11) Malaysia(16)

the country ranked number 1. no doubt, US

but curious about Mexico number why it's number can be 1,579.23%?

Sunday, February 10, 2013

中国新年 二〇十三

今天是中国新年 二〇十三 时间过了很快。
今年我有很多事实要做 有些过年还么做到过

  • 我想我和我的家人身体健康
  • 道大学在学习
  • 学朝鲜语
  • 实现减排目标

这四个目标 就是很好的年了