Friday, December 23, 2011

Adding Ratings and Comments to SharePoint Publishing Pages

Friday, December 2, 2011

XSLT on search results page

I spent a lot of time to solve why the value from managed property in Search results page doesn't appear in my XSLT template.
I just figured it out that xslt variable must be declared with the exactly same name with the managed property.

How stupid I'm.


Thursday, December 1, 2011

SharePoint Designer component for Drag N Drop and Office List support component

Many users wants to upload by drag and drop but it's not possible without SharePoint Foundation Component in SharePoint Designer setup package file.

There're 2 components requires for users who want to experience full functionality about SharePoint List.

  • Microsoft Access Web Datasheet Component: this component enable access like view and editing experience on SharePoint list.
  • Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Support: Enable multiple upload capability for your IE. don't forget to enable ActiveX control to enable this function also.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

FAST Crawling Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.

I got an error while start crawling from my content source by FAST Crawl
the crawl log said "Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component."

then I found an solution from the below link which is change the impersonate value in target content source web.config

then rerun the crawling and it works.

but beware of the web.config impersonate value. if your web application is needed to be set to false. it gonna be an issue with your search component.

I got an idea for around on this. Let me take time to prove it and I'll update the result.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

from my recently post download SharePoint patch
I've got an failure update content database on my SharePoint server farm shown with below picture.

I searched for the solution and found some recommendation from the Microsoft websites

then I checked the PSConfig.exe log file and found some clue why my upgrade was failed.

[OWSTIMER] [SPContentDatabaseSequence] [ERROR] [11/10/2011 2:23:08 PM]: Found a missing feature Id = [a18927ed-93e2-4dcb-be6d-56c469beb929]
[OWSTIMER] [SPContentDatabaseSequence] [ERROR] [11/10/2011 2:23:08 PM]: The feature with Id a18927ed-93e2-4dcb-be6d-56c469beb929 is referenced in the database [MYContentDatabase], but is not installed on the current farm. The missing feature may cause upgrade to fail. Please install any solution which contains the feature and restart upgrade if necessary.

the log file said, there's a missing custom feature i had deployed on MyContentDatabase. So I retracted and remove my custom solution and run this command to upgrade the content database again
psconfig -cmd upgrade -force -inplace v2v -passphrase < passphrase > -wait

the command will upgrade my content database then I redeploy my solution into the content database again.

Download and Update patch on SharePoint Farm

Microsoft has been released SharePoint 2010 patch update for a while refer to the following links.

then I downloaded the SP1 and August CU updates from the above site. Service Pack1 for many products

  1. Documentum Search connector SP1
  2. FAST Search for SharePoint SP1
  3. FAST Search for SharePoint August CU
  4. Office Web Apps SP1
  5. SharePoint August CU
  6. SharePoint SP1
  7. SharePoint Designer SP1
All of their size around ~2GB. the SharePoint August CU size is about 1GB. I though there's a lot of bug in SharePoint.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

FAST Search Managed Metadata Problem

I've got a Problem with the number of Managed properties doesn't correct because of multiple value in crawled properties mapped with managed properties.
the results should be 249 for Content Types and at least 249 for Project Type because Project Type properties in mandatory field and allow multiple value. the the sum of Project type is just 230. There's something wrong with the managed properties, I though. Finally, I found the solution. Many thanks to the following links and Google. I didn't map the ows_projecttype() with my managed properties ProjectType.
After mapped with the correct crawl properties and rerun full crawl. it works.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

User Profile Sync Replicate Access Denied 8453

I've a change to sync 7 Domains with approx 30k users account. follow user profile sync for SharePoint on technet
but there's a domain it's domain name doesn't match with user account domain. So, I've to enable NETBIOSDomainNamesEnabled to true
But it still doesn't work. it still error with replicate access denied. Finally, I've found another solution for this challenge. 1.uncheck all directory partition in Configure Directory Partition in AD Connection. only one left.
2.Check Configure Run Profile, does it has only one step. if not, remove all other step.
Then run full sync again and it works. Hope this post helps saving you time.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cannot delete SharePoint Service Application

Wanna delete a SharePoint service application?

FAST Post Configuration Wizard fail

There're many error while you are installing FAST Search for SharePoint. Some of them are in the following links.
I got another error while running the post configuration with 2 server 1 admin and 1 non-admin with 1 row and 2 column.
I tried many times but fail.

But finally I got a simple solution:
Restart server after you install FAST for SharePoint binary then run FAST Configuration wizard again then it works!!

Install webpart .DWP file

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Microsoft FAST Search Administration – Unexpected error occurred while communicating with Administration Service

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Filed to initialize session with document engine: Unable to resolve Contentdistributor

Error Message in event viewer
Failed to connect to Failed to initialize session with document engine: Unable to resolve Contentdistributor.

I got this error log several times. One is from Office Web Apps installation.
I installed FAST for SharePoint before deploying OWA. after that i got this error.
the other one I think it occurs after FAST and SharePoint Server were migrated to a new server using vMotion.

Just reinstall FAST Certificate into SharePoint Server again follow the step in the below link.
Configure SSL enabled communication

then restart both FAST and SharePoint server.


Unable to connect to Synchronization Services

Synchronization Services Manager use for verify SharePoint User Profile Synchronization is work but some people may get this error when start this application.

Unable to Connect to the Synchronization Service
Some possible reasons are:
1.The service is not started.
2.Your account is not a member of a require security group.

1.make sure that 2 FIM Services in Synchronization Server is running.

2.make sure that your current user is in FIMSyncOperators group. if not add your user account then log off and log on.

After that, you should be able to access this application.
